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Hi Lamya. Thank you for today’s class, it was wonderful!  The Kriya gave me a pulsating feeling in my forehead (third eye area), and my body was shivering, and it felt very good.


The meditation left me with a vibration in my forehead, but I did not feel anything in my palms. I felt like I was half asleep during the meditation. But this was the first time I meditated properly, and it felt very good. I just wanted to tell you that after today’s session I feel a rush of positive energy within. I have been feeling anxious lately but today’s session really helped me.


- Mrishi

You made me believe in my own power 😭❤️


- Natasha

After joining Luminous Life classes, I started looking at myself with kindness and also started trusting in the process of me achieving my higher potential. It is a surreal experience to be a part of a community. You connect with so many people and in turn try and connect and understand yourself better. Thank you fro bringing us all together dearest Lamya!

- Sonja

I really really believe that Lamya came into my life for a reason, that reason is now much more clear to me - I have worked through years of sadness and anger in a short while by attending the Luminous Life group sessions.

- Priyal

The full moon practice we did with the letting go of fears, was very powerful for me. First just writing it down made me learn more about myself and after letting go, I felt lighter and like I was me again and more grounded. The Luminous Life classes have been are very powerful for me and I am so glad that I am learning to prioritize myself.

- Anika

Hey darling, thank you for leading such a beautiful session. I released a lot from the chakra in the front. Seems receiving in the chakra was fine but the front part was seriously blocked. I actually tore open a scab (which I didn't know I had) and let the things and blocks pour out! I definitely let things and traumas out that I didn't know I was carrying. 

Love you loads and so happy to be a part of the circle!! Grateful to you always for your light!! 🤗🤗💗✨✨

- Yug

It was such a powerful and empowering experience! First of all, Lamya’s energy is so calming and energising at the same time. I was new to this experience, didn’t know what to expect and was a bit nervous. She puts you completely at ease and explains what the steps are before starting. The crux of the healing session is in the questions that you pose to Lamya’s angels, and I felt safe with her to ask very personal questions.


When I went into the session, I thought I knew what my mental roadblocks were. But as I got deeper into ‘conversation’, I was blown away with the thoughts that I hadn’t even articulated out loud to anyone else, and many that I had buried deep into my subconscious. Through Lamya, I learned new and very accurate truths about my behaviour and causes for them. The advice and guidance that I received was gentle and encouraging, but also honest and direct. The session has helped me direct my energy and keep faith that the universe has my back and will guide me in the right direction.

- Surekha

I have done one session on Akashic reading with her. It was an eye opener- every information and forecast she did were all accurate. She even addressed a lot of questions which were in my subconscious mind. It gave me a lot of confidence in my worst times.

I would highly recommend to have a session of reiki or AR with her and I can assure things will definitely be better. Her sessions are truly magical and she is an angel in disguise.

- Tanushree

Hi Lamya, hope you’re doing great. I wanted to thank you for your guidance. It’s been really long that we’ve spoken but what you shared with me during our sessions really helped me. I’m happily settled with my husband and son in Delhi. And I’ve also resumed work. Life is going great. :)


- Kartika

Hi Lamya, it was such a nice session. I don’t think I went to sleep in the mediation cause I was sitting, but I was somewhere deep and it was very relaxing and visual. The releasing was so so nice. I feel much lighter now but just trying to calm the chatter down in my mind that keeps coming up with any small trigger. Thank you so much for such a wonderful session..I really needed this ❤️


- Isha

I cannot put my experience into words. Lamya has been a channel and a guide to help me connect with my innermost feelings/ to look beyond my limitations and to trust the universe. That session with her will always be an experience to remember, cherish, learn from and grow forever. With her warm demeanour and a smiling face Lamya sure is a true guide and facilitator of growth and love.


- Smital

I have had the privilege of meeting and spending some time with Lamya through 2020. Such a different year which rather was meant for me to share these experiences through her. I attended her Luminous Life classes regularly through 2020. It not only gave me a perspective beyond what I considered are my limitations but it also infused positivity and confidence in me. Highly recommend these classes!

Hi Lamya, it was such a nice session. I don’t think I went to sleep in the mediation cause I was sitting, but I was somewhere deep and it was very relaxing and visual. The releasing was so so nice. I’ve never done it before. I feel much lighter now but just trying to calm the chatter down in my mind that keeps coming up with any small trigger. Thank you so much for such a wonderful session..I really needed this ♥️

- Isha

🙏🏻♥️ lots of love for you Lamya. My mind's quiet post the meditation. Like zero thoughts, which never happens. And it feels like everything is gonna be okay. Everything is good. The meditation was absolutely wonderful. I've never been this blank in a good way.

- Vihal

The card readings she has conducted for me have led to me to begin to understand my true self and what I need. A lot of the times, I was surprised at their relevance in my life. I am able to take steps out of my comfort zone in terms of new career paths and also begin the process of healing certain kinds of trauma and checking myself during times of irrationality. 


I still have a long way to go but these sessions have been instrumental in getting me to get started. Thank you Lams for everything, I am super grateful for your energy, love and guidance. 💕✨

- Natasha

Thank you so, so much for being there, listening, for taking the time out for me... The world is in dire need of gentle, peace loving souls like you and I wish you a very bright future ahead.. May you get everything that is in alignment with your soul purpose, needs and here's wishing you the very best…

- Kanika

I have had the privilege of meeting and spending some time with Lamya through 2020. Such a different year which rather was meant for me to share these experiences through her.

I attended her Luminous Life classes regularly through 2020

It not only gave me a perpective beyond what I considered are my limitations but it also infused positivity and confidence in me.

- Smital

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